Culture in Transition Pt. 11


Two definitions of the word transition require attention. The first definition is: “a change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc.” This is a general definition that implies that a change has taken place. Per this definition, it is essential to know the context involved. In other words, a change has taken place involving a subject, a state, or a place. This current culture is changing in so many ways. The challenge is that change occurs, but many who are a part of the culture fail to realize the changes. However, we must remind ourselves that some things were not meant to be changed. 

The second definition of transition refers to something that links one state, subject, place, etc., to another. In this context, the transition connects one thing to another. The challenge this can cause is that connecting some things can alter the things connected. Transition or change is what it is. When a transition happens, something changes. For example, laws change in today’s culture. Laws are implemented based on the perception of need by those proposing them. The problem with this reality is that change depends on those empowered to make the change. In short, change is at the whim of those in power at any given time. 

The greater result is that the change affects everyone when it involves laws because everyone is subject to the law. We acknowledge that those who are empowered to make changes make the changes. Transitions drive culture. The culture will always reflect the beliefs, customs, social norms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. Regardless of the current norms, they remain subject to change because the standard is not always reflective of the whole but those representing the norm. The greater question must be: who establishes the norm? Who can define the truth?  

The correct answer must be God! God alone is qualified to define truth because God alone embodies truth. God is truth! God does not change. In contrast, when it involves humanity, there will be change. Another characteristic of God is that He is the same. He is one God. He can walk in unity because of who He is. Walking in unity is an enormous challenge for human beings. What would the culture look like if humans walked together in agreement? I encourage you to ponder this question. Is it possible that the answer to this question could impact today’s culture and everyone who is a part of it?