Rev. Clarence Boyd



Dr. Boyd received his Doctor of Ministry degree in 2002. He received his Master of Arts in Practical Theology in 1998. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1977. All of his degrees were from Oral Roberts University. Dr. Boyd served in the Resident Advisor program and was a Residence Hall Director from 1977 to 1982. He worked as the Dean of Men in Student Affairs from 1982 to 1984. He became the Associate Dean of Students and served in that position to 1986. He served as the Dean of Student Affairs for 19 years and was appointed Dean of Student Development in 2005. Beginning in 2006 he was given the additional responsibility for Campus Ministry. Dr. Boyd is committed to merging development theory with spiritual formation. His wife, Dr. Kim Boyd, serves as the Dean of the College of Education at Oral Roberts University.

Dr. Boyd also is the President and Founder of Revelations-Revealed Truth Ministries, an evangelistic outreach which targets intercity youth who are considered at-risk. The heart of this ministry is to provide mentoring to the youth with emphasis placed on helping young men understand the role and responsibility of manhood. He and his wife are the founders of Revelations-Revealed Truth Evangelistic Center, a local church in the city of Tulsa. Ministry to the family is one of the priorities of the church. As a team, both are committed to revealing to others the covenant value of marriage and the awesome privilege parents have to nurture and prepare the next generation for life and service.

Dr. Boyd also is an author speaking to the next generation of men about fatherhood, manhood, and masculinity. The goal of this endeavor is to see men return to their rightful place in the home, in the workplace, and in the church.

Drs. Clarence and Kim Boyd are the parents of four children, all of which are ORU graduates. They also have nine grandchildren.

Kim Boyd



As First Lady of RRTEC, Dr. Kim Boyd serves as a Board Member, and primarily works with the Annual Events Committee, which is responsible for all of the major events involving the entire church, and the Women’s Ministry, which strives to meet the needs of women locally, globally, and generationally.

As a women, mom, and educator, Dr. Boyd holds her immediate family and her church family very close to her heart. She takes every opportunity to tap into God’s invisible networking system to meet the needs of those to whom she is called. As First Lady of RRTEC, Dr. Boyd has a passion for working with young women to see them reach their full potential in their spiritual, financial, social, and family lives.

Dr. Boyd was recently appointed to the position of Dean of the College of Education after serving as Associate Dean for eleven years. Previous to her current position she served for over 9 years as an instructor/professor in the School of Education and over 8 years as a classroom teacher in the Sapulpa Public Schools. Dr. Boyd received her Doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Oklahoma State University. Her Master’s degree is in Reading from Northeastern State University and her Bachelor’s degree is from Oral Roberts University. She has been a professional educator serving as a teacher and professor in elementary and post-secondary education since 1979.

Dr. Boyd was appointed by the Governor of Oklahoma to serve as a Commissioner for the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation. Additionally, she is one of a nine-member advisory board for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education to inform and conduct the training of Board of Examiners for accreditation visits. She is an NCATE Board of Examiners chair, and conducts the training for the state BOE members.




Elder Marcus L. James Sr. is one of the founding board members of RRTEC. He has been married to his wife, Arnatta, for 26 years. He has 4 children and 5 grandchildren.

He serves as the Treasurer and Ministerial Staff Covering for the Men, Ushers, Finance Committee, Housekeeping, Building and Expansion ministries. He is the Fleet Maintenance Manager for Tulsa Public Schools Transportation Department for 25 years.

He strongly believes that if you take care of God’s house, He will take care of you. Haggai 1:7& 8


​Elder Tumey is an ordained Elder serving at Revelations Revealed-Truth Evangelistic Center, under the direction of Drs. Clarence and Kim Boyd. She is an active member of the RRTEC ministry team serving as a preacher and teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder Tumey teaches Pastor’s classes and New Members’ Classes.

Elder Tumey serves as the spiritual covering for several ministries such as the Annual Event Committee, Women's Ministry, and the Music Ministry among others.


Brandon Boyd is an ordained Elder serving at Revelations Revealed-Truth Evangelistic Center, under the direction of Drs. Clarence and Kim Boyd. Elder Boyd is called to the offices of a preacher, teacher and prophet. He serves as the spiritual covering for the Young Adults Ministry and the Usher Ministry as well as leads and participates in several other ministries.
Brandon is married to his lovely wife, Amber and they have a son, Braxton. He is currently employed with ConocoPhillips in Bartlesville, OK in the finance division as an Organizational Change Management Analyst. Elder Boyd graduated from Oral Roberts University with a BA in International Business in 2006 and an M.B.A. in 2009. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, fitness, cooking and hanging out with family.


​Elder Benjamin Alexander is ordained and serves at Revelations Revealed-Truth Evangelistic Center, under the direction and leadership of Drs. Clarence and Kim Boyd and works in concert with the Elders, Deacons, and Church Leadership to further the understanding and spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Serving as preacher, teacher, and ministry leader Benjamin provides spiritual covering for the Jordan Plaza and Youth Ministries while actively supporting all RRTEC Ministry Teams. Benjamin is an active Evangelist fulfilling the call in his life to serve The Lord.

Benjamin is the father of 3 sons and has 2 grandchildren all residing in Oklahoma. Benjamin also works with his parents, Dr. John and Amy Alexander Jr. supporting their lifelong commitment in ministry located in Washington, D.C.  


Deacon Dr. Marcia Livingston, affectionately called Trish, has been a member of the ministry since 2005. She is a teacher and mentor, and currently serves as leader of the Prayer and Intercessory Ministry at RRTEC which she does with excellence and passion. The goal of the Intercessory Ministry is to nurture and build an army of mature believers, by creating ongoing biblical training and practice opportunities so that each member at RRTEC models Christ as a believer in prayer so that when there is a corporate gathering an atmosphere is cultivated where the miracles, signs and wonders of God will flow and overflow into local and global communities.


Deacon Rochelle D. Jackson, a very quiet, reflective, and quiet individual, is the Ministerial Staff covering for the Kitchen Committee, and Membership Committee.

The Kitchen committee is responsible for all events which require some type of food service. The Membership Committee keep record of the membership data including the address, phone, date of birth, date joined and email addresses. This committee also keeps records on births, deaths, baptisms, marriages, and any training required by the ministry.


Deacon Donna Martin has been a member of RRTEC for over 19 years. She joined the Ministerial Staff in 1993 and serves as the spiritual covering for three functional ministries: Communion, Altar, and Drama.

The Communion Ministry is responsible for preparing the provisions of the sacrament, (bread and wine), for service on the first Sunday of each month. We do this in remembrance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Altar Ministry is available to assist during the time of ministry to individual needs. The Drama Ministry incorporates the art of drama by illustrating the word of God through practical depictions, with the ultimate goal of winning souls for Christ.


Deacon Natisha Arbertha, was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is a proud wife and mother of 6. Throughout her years within the RRTEC ministry, Natisha has used her gifts as a pantomime dancer, sharing exhortations, and now given the honor of being a part of the Ministerial Staff, serving as a Deaconess.

Natisha enjoys spending quality time with family and friends. Her favorite scripture is Psalm 62-8 "Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us."