Culture in Transition Pt. 13
Some things never change. There are realities that we all face regardless of the context. Families are being challenged today. Marriage is being challenged today! In fact, young people are being challenged when it comes to making decisions, especially whether something is good or bad—or knowing right from wrong. The need to make mature choices is needed in this season more than ever before.
No one is more impacted by this challenge than men. This statement is not meant to imply that others are not challenged. However, the point must be made that there is a spiritual hierarchy that all human beings need to be aware of. For men, this battle is critical because men are called to cover others in general, but their families specifically. This is a spiritual responsibility appointed to men by God. This is why man has been designated by God to cover, protect, and provide for his family. The Bible makes it clear that this role belongs to the man. Gen. 2:15 states, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” This is a God-given responsibility for all men.
The man’s responsibility to cover his family was and remains a mandate from his Creator. Today this responsibility is being challenged. Today’s culture has undergone a number of changes challenging the role of the man. Men have increasingly failed to meet The Father’s expectations. As a result, the door has been opened and today’s culture has responded by looking past the role of the man to redefine manhood altogether.
According to the U.S Census Bureau. (2021). Living Arrangements of Children under 18 years old: 1960 to present:
“184 million children, 1 – 4, live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. That’s enough children to fill New York City twice or Los Angeles four times over. Research shows that a father’s absence affects children in numerous unfortunate ways, while a father’s presence makes a positive difference in the lives of both children and mothers.”
I want to encourage every man reading this blog. It has been said that opposition is merely a signal that you are making progress. Believe with me that men will impact the culture rather than the culture impacting them!