Culture in Transition Pt. 4
I think it is safe to say that “culture is in transition!” It is incredible how things can change in a short period. There is nothing that happens in time that surprises the Father. All things, including time, is subject to Him. God is not limited nor subject to time. Time comes out of God. Put another way; God is the source of all things, including time. One of the purposes for time is to teach all of us lessons. Each of us must realize that you cannot take time for granted. Life is full of lessons. Lessons learned are never limited to the individual but are for the benefit of others. Whenever we fail to learn lessons, everyone sufferers.
As mentioned before, it is not a coincidence that we are where we are in today’s culture. The simple truth is that the present culture has failed to learn some lessons. It is not a surprise that we are wrestling with multiple pandemics all at once. The predictable response has manifest itself again with the outcome once again being confusion and ultimately division. We tend to talk about the consequences without giving due consideration to the root cause. The root cause of any challenge faced today is the same that it has always been—spiritual. We must remind ourselves that truth does not change. Eph. 6:12 echos in our hearing:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Our nation is struggling with a lack of leadership. The responsibility of a leader is to provide direction. Also, we are dealing with a void related to fathers. The role of a father is to provide covering. Remember, anything uncovered is exposed! Finally, we suffer from a void of respectable examples. We must find those who are willing to pay the price to be followed. We can continue to fight these battles going in different directions, or we can humble ourselves and come together seeking solutions that are beneficial to all involved. The result of this endeavor is called unity! Unity is defined as “the quality or state of being made one.” This is not a new solution to the challenges of humanity. God, our Creator, created humanity to be one. He has not changed His mind.
Allow me to share a truth that has potential considering the circumstances that this current culture is faced with. Sometimes it is to our advantage to go back to the beginning. The Bible reminds us that in the beginning, God created everything. In the process, God created man (mankind) in His image and in His likeness. Please note that God created man as male and female, and then gave them dominion over all of His creation. This is a crucial point to take note of. God gave the man and the woman dominion over everything. Let me repeat it, God gave man authority over all his creation. It was never God’s will that man rule another human being. God did not intend for man to rule another man. This would be a violation of man’s natural right to choose. God created every human being with the power and the responsibility of choice.
Today our culture is at a point of decision. This culture is faced with the chance to correct its past. This is by no means just a racial issue. Every human being struggles with his or her sin-nature. Sin is the root of man’s desire to be in control. At its worse, it is the source of the problems faced today where man has instituted measures to control others—denying them the opportunities to make choices in ways that reflect the general populace. Only God is in complete control of all things. God, alone, is just with every person regardless of their race, their social-economic standing, or their political persuasion. God treats every human being the same!
God’s will has not changed. He wills that man would love Him, himself, and his neighbor as himself. Our failure to recognize and respect the plan of God will only result in division, confusion, and ultimately complete chaos. May we encourage one another to address the root problem. May it be our prayer that God helps us learn the lessons challenging us as a culture today. Think about what tomorrow will be like if we fail to correct the mistakes of the past. How long will it take for our nation to come together as one people realizing that it is a better solution than allowing ourselves to continue on the path we are currently on? Please pray for today’s culture. It is the only option available to every one of us.