Culture in Transition Pt. 7
In our last blog, the question was asked: What is the church's role amid the confusion and mayhem present in our culture, our nation, and our world? Does the church have a message amid the chaos? If ever there was an opportunity for the church to provide light in the darkness pervading our lives, it is now. If 2020 has revealed anything to men and women, it has opened their eyes to change. How we did business in the past will not suffice in 2021 and beyond. We can validate the fact that change has taken place. However, the revelation at this moment is simple—change continues.
All the world nations are desperately trying to keep up with the changes that are taking place. Can things be brought back to the past normal? Is there something that we, as a whole, are missing? Can governments stop the destruction confronting them? Are there leaders who can find the answers needed to turn things around once more? In the midst of this battle, we cannot afford to lose sight of all the pain and suffering that multitudes of families have—and continue to endure every day. If there is an answer, a real solution, where will it come from?
Everyone and everything must consider this need. All humanity is searching within for an answer to this challenge. It appears evident that the current dilemma is not ending as many hoped. The best attempt by all is to try and get ahead of this crisis. In short, the reality is that most everyone was unprepared for such a massive interruption in their day-to-day lives. COVID 19 continues to confront every human being with a new sense of reality. Nowhere else is this more real than for the thousands of families who have lost love ones during this storm.
Again we must ask the question: What role can the church play amid so much suffering? How can the church help others during so great a time of sorrow? Indeed there is an answer. Is it possible that we are looking in the wrong direction? We agree that leaders must use every available medical solution known to man. Times like these bring out the best in most people. There is ample opportunity to help one another. Though governments and leaders are doing everything they know to do—are we fighting the real battle? I recommend that we begin at the beginning.
Luke 11:1 states: “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” Incredibly, this disciple realized that prayer was the real solution in trying times. The Bible continuously reveals that most physical realities have a spiritual origin. For example, sickness does not represent the Father's will for anyone. Jesus lived on this earth to reveal that God’s will is that men would live whole lives. Jesus healed the sick Himself and gave this responsibility to His disciples after Him.
But none of this would have been a reality without prayer. The church must once again return to prayer. May we once more allow the Lord to teach us how to pray. When Jesus prayed, signs and wonders followed. God has not changed His will for humanity, nor has Jesus changed His mind. It is His will today that we are made whole. RRTEC, let us commit to praying without ceasing while trusting God to do what only He can do—that is to heal men, women, boys, and girls for His glory. In the Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!