Fathers & Sons Pt. 2
It should be no surprise that when it came to the human race, God began with man. Having created the heavens and the earth, and ultimately, the world, it appears The Father realized that something essential was missing. Everything already created was good. However, something very important to the Lord was missing. There was nothing created that could represent God, Himself, on earth. The solution was quite simple for the Lord.
“Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female, He created them.” Gen. 1:26, 27
God started with the man! This is important for a number of reasons. First, the man himself, was created to reflect a number of things that connected him to his Creator. God is the source of all creation. Man was to be the source of humanity. We know this because God put the seed in man. God is the covering for all His creation. The man was created to be the covering for the family. In case you are wondering, God, created the man with the woman on the inside of him. It must be noted that in them was a family. The man received instruction from God which he was to communicate to his wife, and, ultimately, to his family. The man was given the responsibility to work. He was commanded by his Creator to take care of the Garden of Eden. For him, Eden was his home. Every man is responsible for his home and his family. This simply means that every man is called to work!
In short, man remains the source of human life. As has been said:
In every boy, there is a man, In every man, there is a husband, In every husband, there is a father, And in every father, there is a family!
When it comes to “Fathers and Sons,” it is critical that sons realize who they are in God. I know that fathers are responsible for their daughters as well. However, the point being made here relates to the specific responsibilities that come with being a man. His role is not only unique but also divine. The man is the foundation of the family. As a result, fathers must be intentional, ensuring that every son understands this responsibility. If the man represents God as the foundation for the family, it is imperative that every son realize that he is the foundation for his own home and his own family.
As I close this blog, every man must realize that he was created to mirror his Creator. God is our Heavenly Father. He is a triune God. Jesus Christ is His only begotten son. And, of course, there is the Holy Spirit. God is always God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As it relates to the family, man is the spiritual and natural father of his family. His wife is one with him in marriage according to the will of the Father. Together they fulfill all the purposes ordained by their Creator. The most important responsibility they have is to ensure that the order of God is realized and perpetuated by the next generation, their children.