Fathers & Sons Pt. 3
The Apostle John, in his Gospel, records an example of the power of influence. John records the words of Jesus as He responds to the religious leaders of His day.
“Jesus gave them this answer: I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does,
the Son also does.”
In this one verse, Jesus reveals the power of a father’s influence. Whether men realize it or not, they impart the spiritual DNA of fathering to their sons. This is why so many young men are angry, wounded, and confused when their father is missing in their lives.
Impartation is a large part of fathering. The Apostle Paul highlights this truth in Phil.3:17 “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.” A few points are shared that must not be overlooked. First, we are to join other men in following Paul’s example of manhood. Next, we should note other men living according to the pattern, and finally, it is essential that men discern the source of the pattern being shared. God is the original source of all creation, including manhood. Yes, God had a pattern in mind when He created the man.
In general, Paul refers to the similarity innate in patterns. For example, patterns are used to make clothes. One would buy the pattern and then produce the desired item depending on what is being considered. You would buy a suit pattern if you wanted to make a suit. God had a pattern in mind when He created man.
Hebrews 1:3 testifies of this truth. “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.” (Heb. 1-3a) Again, Jesus became the pattern for all men. The point is that in the same way we are to follow Jesus, He also had to follow His Father’s will. This was important because only Jesus could represent the Father this way.
Today’s challenge is that we have become accustomed to having only the pattern without a real-life example. Be reminded that you can’t wear the pattern itself. The pattern is not enough for sons who don’t have fathers in their lives. What sons and men need is a real and authentic example of a father! I remind you that in the man is a husband. In the husband is a father, and in the father is a family. Put another way, the man models each of these roles, especially, to his sons. Fathers are real! Fathers are the only pattern God created for their sons to follow if they are to become Godly men.